Yuji Honbori, the A-Team and Group Projects

I first saw Yuji Honbori's work at the Nanzuka Underground gallery in Tokyo a few years ago. As I stepped off the elevator  I noticed this metallic looking Buddha statue hovering about a stark white room. As I approached the sculpture, I noticed it was not made of metal but rather strips of wax-coated cardboard; the kinds you would deliver produce in. The idea of using re purposed materials is very prevalent in Art classrooms for many reasons, but to take this simple material and create a thing of beauty is really something that needs to be seen in person.

Here is a link to his latest Exhibition: http://www.aishonanzuka.com/honbori.html

This Artist/Educator is a great starting point for scarboard sculptures. My last Art II class was given the task of creating a bust from cardboard. 

This project was given to them as a group assignment and each student was assigned a specific task. There were now personality conflicts amongs the groups but I did begin to see a pattern of work ethic that somewhat resembled an episode of "the A-Team"
who are you in a group task?
Students can:
  • Leap forward and take charge with little or no direction "Hannibal the leader"
  • Do all the "grunt work" with ease "B.A the muscle"
  • Devise new and interesting ways to work I had not anticipated "Murdoch the wild card"
  • Socialize with everyone, not do much but boost morale "Face the schemer"

In the end some impressive work was created and I learned a lot about group projects in the art room.

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